This is Suzanne. They're just cIosing
Iot 71. Can you hear the auctioneer?
SoId to the Iady on my Ieft.
Yes, I can hear him.
Suzanne, how do I teII you
when I want to...
Leave it to me, Sir.
Just teII me when you want to stop.
...a masterpiece of the Golden Age.
If she would give us the pleasure.
I feeI heIpIess.
Isn't there something we can do?
Yes. We can pray.
This time the last order bid is at
US$ 250,000. Let's open the floor.
Who wiII start us off? US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. RuseIsky.
US$ 270,000.
Suzanne, on the teIephone.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
US$ 300,000. I see you, Suzanne.
And then...
a man comes into your life.
A handsome man...
and intelligent. He'll seduce you
with his talent...
and worse. In short...
he's the DeviI.
What a marveIous vioIin!
-What do you want?
-I was Iured by the music by the heath.
Oh, yes? Maybe you can
go back the same way.