- Unusual?
- It's all so neW to you.
Excuse me... Back to Work.
You tWo Will be good
and sit on this bench
Which We call a "sofa".
surprise time!
Like minstrels?
Hark! Hark!
Here they come!
Great, isn't it?
NoW get Mr. Kass
and shoW him the "minstrel box"!
Yeah, right.
The minstrel box.
Old bat!
Daddy-o! Bimbo-bo left.
It's cocktail time!
see if they have
cable TV.
Go look. step on it!
Don't move, ma'am.
This is the hard part.
What the hell did they do?
I kneW it!
The needle's in your palate.
I'll take it right out.
What's Wrong, Daddy-o?
God Almighty!
What on earth happened?
What happened? What did you do?
The Tv imploded!
I'm deaf! I'm deaf!
It exploded in his face!
stop moving. Let me look.
I'm deaf!
His ear is full of Wax!