Tell my beloved
We'll be at my cousin's castle.
'Tis Father's Wish.
Bea! Bea!
Who's this ruffian?
Another madman!
Where are you going noW?
To find a classy paWnbroker.
I have some hot rocks.
see you at the bar.
I'll Wait in this pub.
A glass of Water
and an empty glass.
Dame Ginette!
Come drink your cocoa!
Naughty girl!
Holy scrotums!
- We're Walled in!
- God punished us for drinking!
silence, slug!
Any sign of them?
- Calling Clovis.
- Clovis, here.
No Jacquart here.
We'll dredge the pond.
- We're Walled in!
- Quiet, serf.