Dame Ginette!
Come drink your cocoa!
Naughty girl!
Holy scrotums!
- We're Walled in!
- God punished us for drinking!
silence, slug!
Any sign of them?
- Calling Clovis.
- Clovis, here.
No Jacquart here.
We'll dredge the pond.
- We're Walled in!
- Quiet, serf.
Eusabius had Warned us!
Doddering clod!
We'll ram With this beam!
It's hefty!
Let's assume he Wasn't kidnapped.
Did Mr. Jacquart
ever go aWay unannounced?
sometimes he'd leave
for a feW days.
His little outings.
What did his outings consist of?
Biking, golf, Windsurfing.
Boy's stuff.
Gourmet meals...
With lots of Wine.
Did he have a drinking problem?
Juglets! Juglets of Wine!