Like It Is

Oh, Manchester United shorts. Do you
fancy Ryan Giggs? I think he's so sexy.

Ah no, he's a real man he is, he only
watches football for the action.

Just ignore the fashion victim mate.
We were, er having a nightcap and got
a bit carried away.

Come on, have one?
I suppose that's fuckin' sugar
for your cocoa?

Best leave him to cool off- Eh?
I ain't in the mood for a fight.
- Chicken.

Fancy another one before bed?
This my line?
- Greedy cow!

I embarrass you don't I?
- Come again?!

That's why you didn't want me out
with you last night?

You'd have been bored last night,
that's all.

You sure?
- Sure!

Me and Paula had words last night.
- Ignore her, she has words with everyone.

Look, I'm sorry about the noise
and all that last night.

Bet your mates think I'm a right square.
Shut up. All my mates want to get you in
bed. Anyway, it's me whose to blame,

I was bang out of order last night.
Can't believe I slammed that
fucking door.

Come here...
I saw 'em having sex this morning.
Come come, how much could you see through
a keyhole? -They left the door open.

Lucky you. Maybe they wanted you to join
in and start your day the bisexual way!

Probably making up after their tiff. He
never asked if I minded Craig moving in.
