I, I heard about
what you did tonight.
- At Boo's club.
- They made me.
- Who made you?
- Him and her.
They go on till you do.
They trying to make you
do it again?
Don't think she liked it.
Won't be doin' it no more.
Oh, but, Ray,
it were crap awful, weren't it?
Well, er, she's not
what you'd call a performer.
I- I'll grant you that, no.
But I can take care of that.
She just needs a, a big band
or something to boost her confidence...
er, a big, flashy set.
Bright lights, a bit of glitz,
snazzy frocks. All that.
I love it
when you talk swanky.
Has, has Duane come home?
No. No, no.
Not yet.
Happens sometimes,
once they're out.
Flyin' free.
They like it.
You should try it
sometime, LV.
Oh, I've got to go.
- I've, I've got to go. Bye.
- LV?
What was she like?
Well, if it's a roller-coaster
of unbridled excitement you're after,
I reckon you're better off
up here.
You're all right, love?
It's only me.
Been workin' on the act...
planning and that.
Got Boo to let us have another go.
I've worked it all out.
You'll love it...
everything tailored to your personality.
All you've got to do
is step on from the side.
What's up? Hey, angel.
You're not gonna let a little hiccup
like tonight put you off, are you?
That happens to the best
of 'em, you know.