Get back!
Get awayfrom me!
Whatthe hell
are you doing here?
thank God it's you.
l was in here
doing some last minute checks.
Someone hit mefrom behind.
That's Sedition technology.
You're a damn spy.
You did this.
What are you doing?
Throwing outthe trash!
l need help!
l can't getJudy out!
She's dying!
Touch me,
and the girl dies!
l don't deal with dead men.
Kill me, kill the girl.
How much is your revenge worth?
l can save her life...
only if you give me yourword
as an officeryou'll spare mine.
-Help her.
-l've got helm control.
We're way off course.
We're caught in the sun's
gravitational pull.
ls thatwhatthat big ball is?
We've gotfour minutes before
the outer hull begins to melt.
l need you to check
on the thruster alignments.
l'll tryforthe Mercury mines.
l'll need Dr Robinson's
portable gurney.
You'llfind it below.
Smith, come on!
You tried to kill myfamily.
We trusted you.
lt's the world behind the world,
Professor Robinson.
Lie once, cheattwice,
and everything becomes clear.
Do not mistake my deception
for a characterflaw.
lt is a philosophical choice...
that l'vefound
in a study of the universe.
lt is a way of life.
You're a monster.
but l'm also the only one...
who can save Judy's life.