You are at"T" minus
30 seconds and counting.
You are at"T" minus
20 seconds and counting.
ControI, this isJupiter 1.
The Robinsons are aIItucked in.
We are ready tofIy.
Major West, your escape vector
is cIear of aIItraffic.
Opis go on your command.
Roger, Houston.
Andthe monkey fIips the switch.
Jupiter 1booster disengaged.
This isJupiter 2.
Diverting aII spacecraft controI
to the main computer.
Eightyears of fIight training.
NavigationaI hoIographics
Fifty combatmissions.
Course confirmedfor sIingshot
exit of the soIar system.
So I can take thefamiIy camper
on an intersteIIar picnic.
Ten years is a Iifetime.