Destroy navigationaI systems.
Come on!
Wake up, damn you!
I can'tstop this infernaI
contraption on my own.
Emergency cryo-stasis
desequencing in process.
Destroy aII systems.
Destroy RobinsonfamiIy.
Maureen, the chiIdren!
-Deactivate safety.
That was a mistake.
Mom, Iet's go!
-WiII, stop!
Destroy Jupiter 2.
Destroy RobinsonfamiIy.
Look away, baby.
Robot, disabIe puIse bIaster.
Command accepted.
CanceI attack sequence
and stand by.
If thefamiIy won't come
to the sciencefair...
bringthe sciencefair
to thefamiIy.