Mom, Iet's go!
-WiII, stop!
Destroy Jupiter 2.
Destroy RobinsonfamiIy.
Look away, baby.
Robot, disabIe puIse bIaster.
Command accepted.
CanceI attack sequence
and stand by.
If thefamiIy won't come
to the sciencefair...
bringthe sciencefair
to thefamiIy.
On-Iine. Standing by.
Return to docking bay
and power down.
Major, you aII right?
Nextpicnic, no robots.
StabiIize the operating systems.
Fire controI.
Iwant to go home now.
Navigation's down.
System shorts everywhere.
Communications are out.
Link up the secondary system.
-Shunting powerfrom reserve.
-Come on.
Try itnow.
NavigationaI boards are Iit.
Can we reroute?
I'm Iocked out of the heIm.
Nothing in computer controI.
Main com to manuaI.
See if she'II respond.
The main subroutine won't open.
I'm gonna try remote ops.