Easy, doc. God.
The cryosuitabsorbed
most of the eIectricaI charge.
You're Iucky
this wasn'tyour hide.
Doctor, is that concern
I detectin your voice?
Greatbedside manner.
What's that?
A battIe scar?
Sort of.
It was a tattoo.
An ex-girIfriend's name,
butI had itremoved.
WouIdn'titbe easier
to use a magic marker?
Yeah, weII, that's me.
A girI in every port.
So, Major, nofamiIy?
Nothingto tie you down,
no one to miss?
I've never been
thefit-in and pIay-nice type.
Youthinkthat's romantic?
I don't.
But whataboutyou, doc?
Is there some Iucky IittIe nerd
you Ieftbehind?
I spent three years working
on this mission.
We're tryingto save the pIanet.
I haven'thadtimeforfun.
If there's no timeforfun...
then whatare we saving
the pIanetfor?
I hate being IittIe.
I'IItry andfix it.
Why aren'tyou upon deck
with Mom and Dad?
Have you met our parents?
Good point.
Popcorn, orchids...