Mr. Murder

Need to get a little
writing done?

I have to get off the phone now.
I love you, Mom.

I love you too, Marty.
No matter what?
- Darling, what is it?
- I'm fine.

I can't wait
to see you.

The lab is pretty sure that
the blood in the rug is Stillwater's.

What kind of nutcase would store up
two quarts of his own blood?

I'm calling in the state police
and I'm gonna recommend

that they treat this
as a hostage situation.

What? Shoot first and
study the evidence later?

There's a woman and two
children in danger here.

You think about those two children,
and then you tell me...

Is this the kinda guy you wanna
give the benefit of the doubt to?

What do you
have back there?

Hey, who're you
talkin' to here?

Excuse me.
What are you,
his biggest fan?

What're you gonna do...
trap him in a house in the snow
and saw his feet off?

I don't know about
the house in the snow part,

but I'm a pretty big fan.
Look, I know a lot about him.
He's been married to his wife

since the week after they
graduated from high school.

He's got wonderful parents that
are like his best friends.

All he cares about is his family.
He did not fire at his little girls.

Please, don't send out
some shoot-to-kill posse

until we talk
to him again.

"The twine dug red ditches
in his daughter's wrist...

as Gavin cinched it hard
around the table's oak leg.

Sheila screamed, but what was
the chance of anyone hearing her
