Is this the kinda guy you wanna
give the benefit of the doubt to?
What do you
have back there?
Hey, who're you
talkin' to here?
Excuse me.
What are you,
his biggest fan?
What're you gonna do...
trap him in a house in the snow
and saw his feet off?
I don't know about
the house in the snow part,
but I'm a pretty big fan.
Look, I know a lot about him.
He's been married to his wife
since the week after they
graduated from high school.
He's got wonderful parents that
are like his best friends.
All he cares about is his family.
He did not fire at his little girls.
Please, don't send out
some shoot-to-kill posse
until we talk
to him again.
"The twine dug red ditches
in his daughter's wrist...
as Gavin cinched it hard
around the table's oak leg.
Sheila screamed, but what was
the chance of anyone hearing her
through the duct tape
Gavin had wrapped seven times
around her head? One time for
each year of their marriage."
Everything in me says
to call the state police.
And that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.
They got special swat teams
just for this kinda thing.
- Del Rio, here.
- Is Lowbock with you?
Yeah, Chief,
I'm right here.
You're not gonna like this...
The FBI's putting a man on your
Stillwater team. Kidnapping issues.
Celebrity, possibility of some weirdos
crawling out of the woodwork...
Look, Chief,
I don't need any Federal...
Save your breath.
It came from way over my head...
so you can imagine how
far it is over yours.
Lord, almighty... And when
is this gonna happen?
Right now, sir.
Jason Reiling. I have strict orders
to stay out of your way, Lieutenant.
Just think of me as
a magic force field
between you
and the tabloids.
(dialing cell phone)