Uh, my ancestors sent
a little lizard to help me?
Hey, dragon, dragon,
not lizard.
I don't do that tongue thing.
You're, um-
Awe inspiring?
-Of course. I'm travel size
for your convenience.
If I was my real size,
your cow here would die of fright.
Down, Bessie. My powers are
beyond your mortal imagination.
For instance, my eyes can see
straight through your armor. Oooh!
All right, that's it! Dishonor!
Dishonor on your whole family.
Make a note of this. Dishonor on you,
dishonor on your cow, dis-
Stop. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm just nervous.
I've never done this before.
Then you're gonna have to trust me.
And don't you slap me no more.
We clear on that?
All right.
Okeydokey. Let's get this show
on the road! Cri-Kee, get the bags.
-Let's move it, heifer.
Okay, this is it.
Time to show 'em your man walk.
Shoulders back, chest high,
feet apart, head up and strut.
Two, three-Break it down.
Hup, two, three. And work it!
-Beautiful, isn't he?
-They're disgusting.
No, they're men. Now, you gonna have to
act just like them, so pay attention.
Look. This tattoo
will protect me from harm.
- I hope you can
get your money back.
I don't think
I can do this.
It's all attitude.
Be tough, like this guy here.
-What are you lookin' at?
Punch him.
It's how men say hello.
Oh, Yao,
you've made a friend.
Good. Now slap him on the behind.
They like that.
I'm gonna hit you so hard,
it'll make your ancestors dizzy.
-Yao, relax and chant with me.