Music From Another Room

I could read for you, Nina.
- What?
- I could read for you.

Daniel says he'll read for me!
Is that all right? Can Daniel read for me?
I think that's a wonderful idea. Richard?
I don't care.
"Arriving in Moscow, Levin was surprised...
"... to find the Oblonsky household
in total confusion.

"He was alone, in that he could tell no one...
"... of his plans to marry Kitty.
"At 4:00 that afternoon...
"... Levin got out of the sleigh
at the zoological gardens.

"Well-dressed people,
their hats shining in the sunlight...

"... crowded at the gates.
"Levin walked along the path
leading to the skating lake...

"... and he kept repeating to himself:
"'I must not be excited. I must be quiet.
"'What are you doing? What's the matter?
Be quiet, stupid! '...

"... he said to his heart. "
- It's not working, is it?
- What? What do you mean?

We should be outside.
This takes place in the garden.

- We should be in a garden.
- No.

No, we can't do that.
Why don't you go down to the garden
where Anna works?

- That's a great idea.
- No. I can't leave Mother.

Of course, you can. I'll be fine.
I'll get your coat.
You won't need a coat.
It's a beautiful day. Come on.

Come on, Nina. It'll do you good.
Come on, Nina.
"He had to make an effort,
and reason with himself...

"... that all sorts of people were passing him...
"... and that he himself might've come...
"... just to skate. "
I hear a bee. Do you see it?
No. Must've gone.
"He stepped down,
avoiding any long look at her...

"... as one avoids long looks at the sun... "
A bee.
"But seeing her as one sees the sun...
"... without looking. "
That bee is still around.
- No, there's no bee near you. I promise.
- Yes, there is!

I can hear it better than you.
Get it away from me!

- I can't stand bees!
- Nina, relax.

- There's bees all around me!
- I'm here.

- Just stand still.
- There's bees all over me!

There's nothing around you. Nina, stop it!
