- Hello?
- Hi, Lise.
- Hi, honey!
- How are things in Utah?
Well Utah isn't as nice
without you, that's for sure.
How are things there?
Oh, fine. I uh,...
I had an interesting day.
I got offered a part in a movie.
A movie?
Like... a Hollywood movie?
Yeah. And it, and it pays a lot.
Oh, Joe, that's wonderful!
Is it enough so that we can
get married in the Temple?
Lisa, it's twenty thousand dollars.
Oh, why you're the best, Joe.
Well, I don't know if
I'm gonna do it, Lise.
Mm, what? Well, why not?
Eh... there's some things in the movie
that are... against God's way, and I...
Joe, even if movies are a little...
crude now and then,...
... I think that the Lord understands that
you need money for your family's future.
Twenty thousand dollars would
get us off to a great start.
I know it would.
So what is it?
What are you acting in?
Oh... Uh, it's a... a... a....
"Death of a Salesman".
Oh! Let me guess who you're playing!
You're playing Biff, right?
Biff. Yeah.
Oh, Daddy's here to take me to choir
practice, Joe. Can I call you back later?
- Sure, sure.
- Jesus and I love you, Joe.
Jesus and I love you, too, Lise.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Heavenly Father, please show me the way.
I know it would be sinful to act in
a movie that had sexual activity, but...
... Lisa is so important to me,...
... and I need the money for our
wedding and for a place to live.