I don't think I've seen you before.
Are you new in this business?
Oh. Yeah, this is my first time.
I'm actually a normal person.
Hey, we're all normal people, man.
Hell, I've got Ph.D.s for Physics
and Engineering from MIT.
MIT? In Boston?
Naw, it's in Cambridge, actually.
...But if you have two Ph.D.s,
why do you do these kind of movies?
See you on set, Choda Boy.
That's why.
See, I have what's called a...
an overactive sex drive.
Hey, just between you and me, I don't
get a whole lot of action from women.
They don't seem to take me very seriously.
You don't say...
Yeah, but I get plenty of action here.
And I love every minute of it.
But if you're such a scientific genius,...
... don't you think Heavenly Father has something...
more important planned for your life?
Stand back, Jizzmaster Zero!
You look good, man.
Let's make some porno.
Hey, man, you need to shave your balls?
What?? Why would I do that??
All men love to shave their balls, Joe.
Makes the ol' Johnson look bigger.
- Here, give it a shot.
- Wha... no, I'm not, I'm using a stunt thing.
Oh, kid! You look fucking fabu!
- I see you met Choda Boy.
- Yes.
Hey, that's not the only thing that changed.
I really beefed this script up.
Come on, people! Let's get shooting!
- Mister... Mister Orbison?
- Yeah.
You're not gonna put my name
anywhere in this movie, are you?
Oh, no, kid. You'll get a stage name.
Everybody does.
- Now, let's see. Joe Young, right?
- Right.
Young, Young, Tongue, Bung, Hung. Hung!
- Tom Hung! It's perfect! You like that?
- No.
Okay, people, let's go! Come on!
Set things up for me! Huh?
Okay, this is what we're doing.
One: Ah... Candi, Saffi, and Jizzmaster Zero,
we're getting busy on the bed.