We're onto you, Orgazmo!
Yeah. Your days of superherodom are over!
Not so fast, guys!
My Orgazmorator should take care of you!
Your turn, Choda Boy.
My blue harpoon thang should do the trick!
Looks like they're all tied up at the moment.
Bon soir!
That was... too easy.
Great job, guys.
Now, how about we go really nasty.
- Oh...
- Dude! She's dead!
I'm glad you could come over for dinner, Joe.
I'm really excited to show you
my laboratory where I design things.
I think you might find one thing
in particular very interesting.
Did you say something?
Nah, I was just thinkin'.
Come on in.
Goodness gee. Is this all yours?
Yeah. Bought and paid for,...
... with all the patents I have.
See, when I'm not doin' the flicks, I invent stuff.
I'm makin' some serious cash from it.
Oh, what's this here?
I guess I never told you.
Told me what?
See, when I was a kid,...
... I learned a lot of different kung-fu styles.
One of the styles was hamster.
Hamster style... I don't think
I've seen you do hamster.
No. Well, I vowed to my father
I would never use hamster-style again.
- Why? What happened?
- I don't like to talk about it.
Well, maybe it would help you to talk about it.
You know, get it out.
I don't know if I can.
Well what are you running from, man?
I don't know.
I guess maybe I'm just runnin' from myself.