Primary Colors

The town fathers came to
my parents house adn said:

Charlie, what are you going
to do now?

Charlie said he didn't know.
The mayor said,
Maybe you'd like a scholarship.

The banker said maybe Charlie
didn't want to go back to school.

Maybe he'd like a management
job with the bank.

and the owner said,
Don't be cooped up in a school.

Come manage my crew.
And you know what?
Charlie turned them all down.

What did he do?
He just laid on the couch
and smoked Luckies.

Couldn't git him off it.
Was he messed up in the head
from the war?

It was just that he couldn't read.
He couldn't read and was too
embarrassed to tell anyone.

He had the courage to win the
Medal of Honor...

. .but didn't have the courage to
do what you' re doing here.

He didn't have the courage to get
the help he needed.

So, know that I appreciate what
you' re doing and I honor it.

When people say,
Why spend effort on adult literacy?

I say to them...
I say, Because...
It gives me a chance
to see courage.

I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for allowing me
to visit here today.

Let's get him out of here.
