Primary Colors

He had the courage to win the
Medal of Honor...

. .but didn't have the courage to
do what you' re doing here.

He didn't have the courage to get
the help he needed.

So, know that I appreciate what
you' re doing and I honor it.

When people say,
Why spend effort on adult literacy?

I say to them...
I say, Because...
It gives me a chance
to see courage.

I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for allowing me
to visit here today.

Let's get him out of here.
He likes it.
Governor Stanton,
thank you for coming today.

I will be damned.
You' re going to work for him.
No, I'm not.
I'm just going to meet him and talk.
About what?
Well , about going to work for him.
How can you quit on Adam Larkin
and get in bed with some cracker...
Who's done piss for blacks
in his state?

I could say the same about Larkin.
But he will . He has to wait.
He's a black congressman.

I don't like Larkin.
I don't know what Stanton wants,
