I'm sorry. This weather came up
quicker than anybody anticipated.
We're gonna have to turn back
to Makatea.
- It's just not worth the risk.
- Uh, all right.
A line of squalls
has got us boxed in.
Tighten up your seat belt.
It's gonna get bumpy.
Wha... Uh.
Y-You don't-don't mind
if I just come sit up here with you?
Get your seat belt on.
- What are those?
- Uh, Xanax.
My doctor prescribed them
for situations of tension.
- I think this qualifies.
- Give me a couple.
You just drive.
- What are you taking now?
- Xanax.
My doctor prescribed them
for situations of "sension".
Give me those.
Whoo! Hey,
that was close, huh? Whoo!