Your friend Anna thinks I'm cute?
Shit, I just blew...
Oh, 2.85...
2.85 on the wrong girl.
Helen, listen.
Sometimes we are plonked
into people's lives
when they just need
to be cheered up and reassured
and it turns out
that for some reason it's your job.
We don't know why.
In your case, it's my job.
But, I'll be honest, the fact
that I find you moderately attractive,
just makes the job
easier on my part.
My intentions
are completely honourable.
I have no desire to overstep
the mark. Seriously.
You prefer diamonds or sapphires?
- "Moderately attractive"?
- A-ha! I knew you were listening.
Well, you know, lose the sad eyes,
the droopy mouth,
I could get you an upgrade.
So, having firmly established
the ground rules,
what are you doing two weeks
on Saturday?
- Probably killing myself.
- Excellent. What time does that finish?
Do you like boats?
Do you know
we haven't done that for two months?
- Don't be daft.
- Two months... almost to the day.
Almost to the day, listen to you.
What are we, a survey?
Gerry, how did one of my Waterford
crystal brandy glasses
get into
the laundry basket?
- To the where?
- The laundry basket.
I don't know. Can I answer
questions in seventies pop music?
Last week, when I got the sack
and I came back, am I going mad?
But wasn't there was some brandy
and two glasses on the dressing table?
- I don't know. I couldn't really say.
- Well, there were, I'm sure.
Oh, hang on, no, wait a minute.
No, I could say.
There was a bottle
and one glass because...
No, I'm certain there
were two glasses, Gerry.
Helen, I'm not sure I like
where this conversation is going.
No, I told you. I couldn't sleep,
so I got up in the night
to get a drink
to knock myself out.
It was still there in the afternoon
when you got home.
I mean, you had also that day,
if you remember,