You go home, too. l'll close up.
-l can do it.
-Obviously you can't. Go home.
l'm really sorry about that.
l have parents, too.
lf that's all he sees, you got off lucky.
-Here are your toys.
What happened? l thought
you were coming by practice today.
Sorry. Something else came up.
l know you. You're the kid
who set his old school on fire, right?
Yeah, just to watch it burn.
We got a scrimmage with the JV.
Come on, you can cheer me on.
See you later.
Let's see....
What do l need?
Coping saw.
l don't believe it!
-Alan, we must--
-Shut up!
-The Gorgonites--
-You're nothing but trouble.
Link Static to command post.
Have targeted single Gorgonite
with civilian escort.
Approaching your position. Over.
Roger, Private Static. Copy that.
Brick Bazooka, front and center.