Snake Eyes

What you want ?
I need a word
with Mr Tyler.

I want to apologize, sir,
for not securing the infra-reds.

The shooter missed the girl.
There was nothing you could do.

Walter, I think we got another hooker
in the Princess Lounge.

- Punch up 596.
- Excuse me a second.

She hasn't been there five minutes,
she can't take her hands off him.

- Oh, my God, that's her !
- You said she had red hair.

- No, somebody else. Where's that bar ?
- I don't think--

-Walt, they're leaving.
-Don't worry, Ricky. I'll stay with 'em.

Come on, grab a radio,
stay on channel three.

- Here we go. Place your bets.
- Now.

You can't win
if you don't play.

[ Continues, lndistinct ]
[ Chattering, Laughing ]
- That's her.
- We've located the girl.

- Okay.
- Come on.

- Where is she ?
- Over there, by the elevators.

- I got it from here. Thanks.
- Done, sir.
