- How's Data?
- La Forge is doing the diagnostic.
Rendez-vous with us to transfer
crew and equipment on your way out.
- You're not finished here?
- Just a few loose ends to tie up.
Come in.
- Have you got a minute?
- Sure.
- l need a little counselling.
- That's a first.
Do l lie down, or what?
Whatever makes you comfortable,
but it isn't a therapeutic posture.
- But it is comfortable.
- Why don't you try sitting up?
Why don't you try lying down?
You're in quite a mood today. Did
you just come down here to play?.
- l'm having a mid-life crisis.
- l believe you.
- l'm not sleeping well.
- Dr Crusher can help.
What l need
l can't get from Dr Crusher.
Can two people go back in time
and fix a mistake they've made?
On this ship, anything's possible.
- l never kissed you with a beard.
- l kiss you, and you say 'yuk'!