Star Trek: Insurrection

Well ... it's hardly noticeable.
Smooth as an android's bottom.
- Dougherty noticed we haven't left.
- We're not going anywhere.

Deck 5.
Klingons never do anything small.
- Dr Crusher asked to speak to you.
- Picard to Crusher.

The Son'a hostages
declined to be examined.

- And our people?
- They're fine.

ln fact they're better than fine.
lmproved muscle tone, high energy.

Very well, Doctor.
Don't release the Son'a officers
until l've talked to Ahdar Ru'afo.

Commander, may l ..?
Computer, music.
- Not that, something Latin.
- Specify.

The mambo.
That's more like it.
How old are you?
Our solar system was on the verge
of self-annihilation.

Technology had created weapons
that threatened to destroy all life.
