Oh good, you're already up.
You forgot to wash my shirt.
I told you a hundred times.
Today is purple shirt
day at school.
I didn't forget.
Actually, I was up half the
night thinking about it.
Yeah, right.
And I concluded that
you are too special...
...to look like everyone else.
So, orangey-red.
That's your colour.
Few can carry it off.
- Would you help me find your brother?
- You lost Ben?
I didn't lose Ben.
All right, Ben, fine.
You explain to your teacher
why you're late.
Your daddy said he had a very
important case this morning...
...and had to go to work early.
And he left us here
to be responsible...
...that we could...
You're so not funny.
Not funny!
And you're also late.
And that means you have
to get dressed right now!
Stay. No, stay. Ben! Ben!
This is not funny!
We've got to get you dressed.
We're running so late.
This is not a game!
Come on. Help me out.
Come on, Ben!
Really, we're so late!
But I don't want
to go to school.
Hi, sweetie!
Ben, you look like you're
having such a good time!
But we're running a little late.
Sweetie, I thought you're supposed
to be wearing purple today.
She forgot to wash it.
What a hug!
I'll handle it from here, Isabel.
I'm sure you will, Jackie.
Oh, my gosh!
She made you a lunch?