
And that means you have
to get dressed right now!

Stay. No, stay. Ben! Ben!
This is not funny!
We've got to get you dressed.
We're running so late.

This is not a game!
Come on. Help me out.

Come on, Ben!
Really, we're so late!

But I don't want
to go to school.

Hi, sweetie!
Ben, you look like you're
having such a good time!

But we're running a little late.
Sweetie, I thought you're supposed
to be wearing purple today.

She forgot to wash it.
What a hug!
I'll handle it from here, Isabel.
I'm sure you will, Jackie.
Oh, my gosh!
She made you a lunch?

Okay, come on.
Mom, why do we have to
listen to this classical stuff?

Because I like it,
and I'm driving...

...and when you get your own
car, you can pick the music.

Why does Isabel wear
Daddy's underpants?

Doesn't she have
underpants of her own?

Huh, well, I saw a whopping pile of
laundry sitting on the washing machine.

- Perhaps her underpants are there.
- Yeah, right next to my purple shirt.

I'm never speaking to her again.
Never say never.
Here's your vitamins.

She's always
messing up my life.

It's not fair to say "always."
I hate her!
She's such a witch.

Hey! No name-calling.
Use your words.

I hate when you say that.
Now, that's a beginning.
" Hate" is a totally
acceptable word...

:04:57 just be careful
when you use it...

...and only use it when
you truly detest something.
