Do something.
Can we start by like covering up
my hairy stepmother wart?
Because it must
be showing!
It's cold!
Come on, let's go!
Benjamin will
drive us home.
Okay, come on!
Come on! Come on!
Next week, after school...
...you walk up to him...
You hear me?
And you say...
"Listen up, limp-dick...
...'cause I'm only in
to say this once.
As far as your...
...knowledge of what a
woman really wants goes...
...l am not going to waste
my time with some loser...
...who doesn't even know
what snowblowing is."
What is it?
It's an incredibly disgusting and
not even remotely sexy thing...
...that l once heard described in a
movie I'd never take you to go see.
But it is real.
...the clincher:
You walk away...
...then you...
...whip around...
...and say:
"The guy I see is
in high school...
...and - it has to be said...
...he laughs his ass off
whenever we talk about you."
But I don't know
anyone in high school.
There will be a
suitable boy...
...outside your school
on Monday at 2:30 with...
...a very expensive bike.
And he will be a stone fox...