?? There's no time
for hesitation ??
?? And take your place
for a while ????
Jennifer, jennifer.
You're all wet,
mr. Barret.
- Well, it's raining outside.
- It's warm and dry in here.
Well, warm, anyway.
You know how gorgeous you are ?
What are you doin' hanging
around a place like this ?
You could be
a model.
Same as you, i guess.
It's a classy place.
I meet a lot of nice people.
Nice like me ?
No one's as nice
as you, Charlie.
Hey, mr. Barret.
[ Man ]
Hey, mr. Barret.
Marcus, what's this ?
Don't worry.
I'll... Take care of it.
Just ask 'em to leave.
She said in front
of everybody,
she said, "jay,
You're hung
like a hamster."
[ Laughing ]
Hey, guys,
party's over.
Let's go.
Oh, come on. Look,
i told you five minutes.
Give us our five minutes.
Yeah, well, i'm tellin' younow.
We haven't even finished
our drinks yet.
Go finish up at the bar.
Brett's in the jake.
When he gets back,
we'll split.
I told
you this table was reserved.
That's okay.
Take your time.
Finish up. It's okay.
Sure, mr. Barret ?
Yeah, yeah.
No, mr. Bartolucci,
really, it's, uh--
we had no idea.
It's no problem.
We'll move.
These days
the name is barret.
Good to see you.
Nice to
meet you, sir.
This is Max minot,
and avery chasten.
Avery chasten ?
That's a famous name
in these parts.
[ Chuckles ]
Any relation ?
Yeah, he's my father.
Good for you.
I'm sorry, sir.
Could we buy you
a drink ?
Do you mind ?
I'll sit until
your friend comes back.
Maker's mark ?
You guys
got heinekins ?