Suicide Kings

Fuck you.
I think i'll--

Nice try; too slow.
Always too slow.

T.k., i think i'll
call chickie and tell her
i need your beeper number...

'cause i haven't seen you
for like eight hours-- not since
i saw you with that other girl.

- Chickie.
- It's for elise. Help us out.

850-6369. Can you dial seven
after you dial the number ?

[ Charlie ]
You got that ?

Got it.
Good. Don't waste time.

Charlie, you gotta--
you gotta help me out, here.
This is gonna take a while.

Get ahold of lono.
You know what i mean.

Ah, this fuckin' guy.
Get off the fuckin' car.
Get off the car.

Get off the fuckin' car.
Get off the fuckin' car.

- Okay ! just give me
a dollar, okay ?
- What ?

You got a benz,
i got a "busket" !
give me a dollar !

- A "busket" ?
Give me the busket.
- No !

- Give me the busket.
- Uh-uh.

Tell you what. I'll give you
five hundred bucks
for that busket.

All right ?
- Okay.
- Put the bottle
in the busket,

Put the rag in the busket,
and hand it to me.

- Come on. Leave him alone.
- Get a hotel, get a room,
shower, shave,

Get a suit, get a job,
and get off the sauce.
If i see you...

In the streets again
with a busket, i'm gonna
fuckin' shoot you, all right ?

- R-right.
- Okay. All right. Screw.

- You're all right, man.
- All right.

You're all right,
All right.

All these guys need
is a little guidance
sometimes, you know ?

- Fuck !
- you got a cigarette, maybe ?

- Gimme the gun.
Gimme the fuckin' gun.
- Come on. Leave him alone.

Get back in the car.
Fuck ! you fuckin' prick !

Fuck ! goddamn it !
Jesus Christ !

Fuckin' piss !
shit !

Do you fuckin' believe
i gave that guy
five hundred bucks ?

Jesus !
between him and the boots,
you're down two grand.

Don't ever mention
the fuckin' boots to me again.
You got that ?
