Suicide Kings

All right ?
- Okay.
- Put the bottle
in the busket,

Put the rag in the busket,
and hand it to me.

- Come on. Leave him alone.
- Get a hotel, get a room,
shower, shave,

Get a suit, get a job,
and get off the sauce.
If i see you...

In the streets again
with a busket, i'm gonna
fuckin' shoot you, all right ?

- R-right.
- Okay. All right. Screw.

- You're all right, man.
- All right.

You're all right,
All right.

All these guys need
is a little guidance
sometimes, you know ?

- Fuck !
- you got a cigarette, maybe ?

- Gimme the gun.
Gimme the fuckin' gun.
- Come on. Leave him alone.

Get back in the car.
Fuck ! you fuckin' prick !

Fuck ! goddamn it !
Jesus Christ !

Fuckin' piss !
shit !

Do you fuckin' believe
i gave that guy
five hundred bucks ?

Jesus !
between him and the boots,
you're down two grand.

Don't ever mention
the fuckin' boots to me again.
You got that ?

Sorry, lono.
I'm kidding.
It's not fuckin' funny.

I don't want to hear about
any fuckin' kind of footwear
from you ever again.

I won't. I won't.
Don't even talk about
fuckin' socks to me.

All right. I won't.
I won't.
[ Phone rings ]

Don't touch any buttons,
for Christ's sake.

Lono, it's me, Marty.
I just got off the phone
with Charlie.

-He's been kidnapped.
-Kidnapped ?

- Is he all right ?
- Well, he's alive.

- My arm. It's numb.
Could you get the tape--
- leave him. He'll live.

- Somebody gotta get me a drink.
- Why don't i get that for you ?
It's a good idea.

- Thanks.
- Max, mixing alcohol with pain
medication could lead to--

- Yeah.
- You should listen to him.
His father's a doctor.

Oh. I thought
he was a serial killer.

- It's locked.
- Make believe
you're a criminal.

See what you
can figure out.

Whiskey rocks,
if you've got it.
