Suicide Kings

I don't know where you're
getting your information,
but it's unreliable.

Isn't it ?
That phone call i got,
it comes from outside
high walls and fancy gates.

It comes from a place
you know about
maybe from the movies.

But i come from out there.
And what everybody
out there knows...

Everybody lies.
Cops lie,
newspapers lie,

Your parents lie.
The one thing
you can count on:

Word on the street.
Yeah, that's solid.
You're a smart kid.
You'll make
a good doctor someday...

If you live.
Yeah. I'm gonna go see
what's keeping Brett
with your water.

[ Chattering, indistinct ]
[ Chattering continues ]
Hey. Charlie wants
his water, Brett.

[ Brett ] You left him alone ?
Where were you ?
You were coming right back.

I'll get it.
Jesus Christ.

Max, just water,
okay ?

[ Avery ]
How's he doin' t.k. ?

Oh, he's good.
He's good.

We got a problem,
i think.
