If it isn't in there, where in the hell
is my goddamn suitcase?
This is a wild guess.
I'd say it's in front
of the Budget Rent A Car office.
- In Los Angeles?
- That's a good guess, too.
God Almighty.
We're going to go back and get it!
It took us two hours to get here.
It'll take five hours to go back,
cos I don't know how we got here.
Then we'd have to make three stops.
One for you to pee, get locked in the john,
pay a kid $5 to get out,
and then we'd have to stop for you to eat!
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
What did you have in there?
An ironing board, some spot remover?
I'll pay you.
In that suitcase
was my black formal afternoon suit
that I bought to wear to give
my daughter away in marriage.
And a $6,000 Tiffany silver tray,
which I bought as a wedding present.
And in that suitcase was
$10,000 in cash,
which I intended to give
to my son-in-law on his wedding day.
In your suitcase, the police will find
your broken, smashed,
mutilated and dissected body
in the event that you don't go back
and find my fucking suitcase!
Why don't we ask Budget to deliver it?
Deliver where?
You've crisscrossed California
more than the covered wagons
did 100 years ago!
And tell them to follow the burnt pieces
of directions on the freeway?
We drive to the first town we see
and then we'll call Budget.
That was my best leather suitcase.
How long is it gonna stand
on the sidewalk unclaimed?