Let me tell you
a secret.
It was revealed to us that
there would be a child.
A child born of
my kind and yours.
The child that would unite my brothers
again and bring an end to this war.
That child has been
given to you.
You're certifiable.
You... You...
You're probably one of those guys
who, like, goes around...
door-to-door selling bibles,
and you and your brothers... You have to believe me.
probably all wear white and
you probably have a Web site somewhere.
And you probably bake brownies
on the weekend...
and you sell them to raise money
for your cause or your cult...
Don't be afraid.
Sir, did you notice any unusual
activity in the neighborhood tonight?
- I got a wrecked car
in the alley back there.
- No, sir.
So you didn't see anything,
hear anything. Is that about right?
The fact is, officer,
I wasn't paying much attention.
See, I was with
my woman.
7-Charlie-63. Come in.
- Dorfman, come in.
- Yeah, this is Dorfman.
63, report to
Rosales residence.
- May I ask, you fellas use that
to what, talk to each other?
- Yeah?
- What, are you high?
It's a radio. Yeah.
It's a miracle.
Do you read me, 63? 63, come in.