Scrambled Tofutti.
Fuck, dude, Rod Serling's...
going to step out
of that fridge any second.
Does that look like
a trash can to you?
Oh. sorry, bro.
Under the sink, man.
"So you're an architect", "huh?"
- "You're good."
- "Nah."
"No", "seriously",
you're really fucking good.
She know?
Not... even... a clue.
I fly out tonight for ''Paree. ''
"Yeah", "that's right."
You're fixing to tie
that knot yourself.
Who's the lucky girl?
Aw, just some French chick.
Man, you sound head over heels.
Nervous, I guess.
Nothing wrong
with living in France.
No extradition.
[ Laughs ]
I'm just kidding.
"Say", "I've got some errands to run."
You mind if I borrow your car?
Help yourself.
Hell, I got a floor plan
that was due last Monday.
I'm not going anywhere.
Let's throw your bags
into the guest, uh... bedroom here.
Fuck, bro.
It's really good seeing you.
Beamer. Nice.
- "insurance is in the glove box."
- Got it.