the answer's yes.
HARRY: What's he done now?
The usual.
Bouncing checks...
making withdrawals
without telling me...
not listening
to his doctor's recom mendations.
In short, being Jack.
In short...being Jack.
[Cards riffling]
JACK: One game.
HARRY: I gotta go into town
and get this thing fixed.
How m uch do I owe you?
Four m illion,
six-hundred thousand dollars.
How m uch?
Four m illion,
five-hundred thousand.
And change.
Harry, I don't mean
to be critical...
but pink shirts with
little polo players on them?
HARRY: It was a gift.
JACK: Beware of the person
who gave it to you.
HARRY: You gave it to me.
JACK: Really? Me?
Are you sure?
Said you picked it out yourself.
By the way...
how m uch do you get these days?
Not m uch.
No, I mean for detective work.
I told you I don't do
detective work anymore.
I want you to run an errand
for me.
Give this to a woman
named Gloria Lamar.
Here's the address.
Put it in her hand, OK?
I suppose you think
it's blackmail, right?
Well, it's not.
You satisfied?
I hope this won't be a problem,
because I no longer carry a gun.
No, there won't be a problem.
Harry, don't be such a wim p.
It's a lot less bother
than going to Mexico.
Which rem inds me.
You never paid me for that.
You're living here rent-free.
I'm working here salary-free.
Don't worry. I'm keeping track
of how m uch I owe you.
That's what worries me.