Lester couldn't believe the way
it worked out so smooth.
I have never been
a great believer in luck--
not as a way
of explaining things.
Anyway, he's dead now.
End of story.
HARRY: Would be...
if I hadn't passed those
suspicions on to Verna.
Forgive me, Harry...
but it sounds
like you passed them on to you.
RAYMOND: By the way...
I heard a rumor I didn't want
to believe was true, so...
I thought I'd ask you directly.
The way it was told to me...
when you were down in Mexico
bringing the Ames kid back?
She, uh, she...
She shot your pecker off.
No. I'm fine.
But thanks for telling me.
That explains a lot.
RAYMOND: I'm glad to hear it.
Keep me posted, huh?
Like you said,
Jack and I go way back.
If there's anything I could
do for him, I would.
And I'm glad
nobody shot your pecker off.
Me, too!
Me, too.
[Starts engine]
How you feeling?
My husband had a heart attack...
and the doctors ordered him
to stay in the hospital...
and the nurses advised him
to stay in the hospital.