Urban Legend

- Really?
- Really.

My suggestion is that you down
a couple shots of Pepto...

and next time, get away
from the volcano before it erupts.

That wraps up another night.
This is Sasha signing off on WZAB.

Parker, how exactly does Sasha
come up with this stuff?

She devours every issue of "Cosmo."'
- Calls it her Bible.
- Thank you.

Finish the story
about Stanley Hall.

So, this guy...
he was a professor on campus,
maybe 25 years ago.

What did he teach?
l don't know.
Physics or some shit.

Abnormal psychology.
You know, if you wanna tell
the story right--

Not the point of the story,

But fine.
Abnormal psych it is.

this guy, he just flips out,
you know?

Goes completely berserk.
Grabs a hunting knife...

and he strolls into Stanley Hall.
Bangs on every door.
And every student
that answers their door...

he takes that little knife,
and he cuts their throat...

ear to ear.
Yeah. He does away
with an entire floor...

before finally stabbing himself...
straight through the heart.
And thus...
the annual Omega Sigma Phi bash.
So you have a frat party
to commemorate a massacre?

You betcha.
Let me get this straight.
When this happened 25 years ago...
you were a sophomore.
That's funny.
Well, it's a bullshit story you hear
on every campus in the northeast.

Thank you.
l mean, where's the proof?

You see, that's the thing.
Pendleton knew damn well
that enrollment...

would suffer permanently.
So, in cahoots with the national
news media and various other powerful--

Like Lee Harvey Oswald?
