It's Celine.
He's okay.
He had a pretty good line
on what cheap tucks people are.
You called us.
Did they arrest Mr. Lombardo?
- Will they?
- I don't know.
That bothers you?
I want to go outside.
When was this that Sam Lombardo
gave you the ride?
About a year ago.
When you arrived at your trailer,
was anyone there?
- So you were alone.
- Yeah.
Did he come in with you?
I guess.
You guess.
Well, did he or didn't he?
Yeah, he did.
And then what? Did he touch you?
Did you, maybe, tlirt with him?
Suzie, look, I know you teel bad.
Just tell us the truth.
I didn't say a thing to him.
He put his arm around me
and told me I was pretty.
I could be really pretty,
he said.
Did you ask him to stop?
What ditterence does it make?
No one's gonna believe me anyway.
- Did Sam Lombardo rape you?
- Yeah. Okay? He did.
He pushed me to the floor
and did it.
- Now are we done?
- Almost, Suzie.
At some point,
were you able to tight him oft?
He stopped by himselt.