Did he come in with you?
I guess.
You guess.
Well, did he or didn't he?
Yeah, he did.
And then what? Did he touch you?
Did you, maybe, tlirt with him?
Suzie, look, I know you teel bad.
Just tell us the truth.
I didn't say a thing to him.
He put his arm around me
and told me I was pretty.
I could be really pretty,
he said.
Did you ask him to stop?
What ditterence does it make?
No one's gonna believe me anyway.
- Did Sam Lombardo rape you?
- Yeah. Okay? He did.
He pushed me to the floor
and did it.
- Now are we done?
- Almost, Suzie.
At some point,
were you able to tight him oft?
He stopped by himselt.
Okay? ls that it?
Leave me alone.
- Don't touch me!
- Take it easy.
He stopped.
And that was it?
He just lett?
He did say one thing first.
What was that?
He said, "No little bitch
can ever make me come."
Open the gate.
- Hey, counselor, how about a smoke?
- Hello, Jinxy.
It's really
a bad news-good news situation.
You were denied bail,
but you got a real attorney...
instead of a public detender.
I'm telling you, Ken,
I'm innocent.
You are preachin'
to the choir.