Okay? ls that it?
Leave me alone.
- Don't touch me!
- Take it easy.
He stopped.
And that was it?
He just lett?
He did say one thing first.
What was that?
He said, "No little bitch
can ever make me come."
Open the gate.
- Hey, counselor, how about a smoke?
- Hello, Jinxy.
It's really
a bad news-good news situation.
You were denied bail,
but you got a real attorney...
instead of a public detender.
I'm telling you, Ken,
I'm innocent.
You are preachin'
to the choir.
You're not alone.
So you're the new
chicken licker.
Sandra, can we get
your comment?
Can I just have your teelings
at this time?
Mr. Lombardo will get
what he deserves.
Will you tell us anything?
- Are you contident about the case?
- Very.
The Lombardo rape case has galvanized
the upscale town of Blue Bay...
with its tabloid appeal.
Just arriving,
Sandra Van Ryan...
jet set real estate heiress
and part of the powertul Blue Bay elite.
And the girl trom the wrong side
ot the tracks.
In the end, the jury must choose between
the words of these 18-year-old girls...
and that ot Sam Lombardo.
Reporting live
from the courthouse steps...
I'm Nancy Duerr,
Eyewitness News.