A Walk on the Moon

My life will be
in your keeping

Waking, sleeping
Laughing, weeping

Longer than always
is a long, long

Long time
But far beyond forever
Welcome back to Dr. Fogler's, everyone.
The Fourth ofJuly barbecue will
be held by the lake at 6:00.

At 6:00 for
the Fourth ofJuly barbecue.

Let's see how fast you can put the hoop down
and get the pot inside the bungalow, ready?

On your mark, get set, go!
Go. Go, go, go, go, go!

Daddy, tell me how fast
we got here.

Three hours and 42 minutes with
a corned beef on rye at the Red Apple.

Two hours and 23 minutes
with salami and eggs at the Red Apple.

One hour and 57 minutes with two hot dogs
and mustard and sauerkraut at the Red Apple.

- Stop saying that word, Daddy.
- I'm sorry, Danny.

But Fogler is such a liar.
Come on. An hour and 57 minutes?

Who can do it in an hour
and 57 minutes? Nobody.

Let's go swimming! Let's go swimming!
Let's go swimming!

- Did we forget the onions?
- Look in the A&P bag.

- I am not sharing a room with him.
- You're not wearing that shirt.

- What's wrong with it?
- Just change it before you go out.

- These onions are mushy.
- Mother, I have to have privacy.

- Where's my wooden bowl?
- I'm not sleeping in the same room with his guns!

Cap guns, Alison.
I thinkJoan Baez will forgive you.

Enough, enough.
I'll sleep with you in the bedroom.

- Daniel, you sleep in the kitchen.
- No!

Don't give me no.
Not too much salt.

Daniel, let your sister
get changed.

- Get changed. Go ahead.
- Why did I even have to come here?

Attention, everyone.
The ice cream man is on the premises.

The ice cream man
is on the premises.

Can I look like that
when I grow up?

You looked like that,
I wouldn't be your friend.

- Hi, sweetheart.
- Oh, my goodness, why, thank you.

How many calories in this again?
You're gorgeous, too, Pearl,
but you hide your light under a bushel.

- Alison!
- What? You asked me to change, and I changed.

- I see Alison's nipples.
- Shut up!
