Faint shadow.
Four forward.
Four forward.
Drifting to the right a little.
- Six, down a half.
- Thirty seconds forward.
Contact light.
Okay, engines stop.
- A.P.A. out of descent.
Command override off.
Engine arm off.
Houston, uh, Tranquility Base here.
- The Eagle has landed.
- Yes!
It will be several hours before
the astronauts don their space suits...
and Neil Armstrong
takes his first step.
Are they walking
on the moon yet?
- Not yet, sweetheart.
- Shh. Sweetheart.
Lillian, I've got
such a headache.
I need to get some air,
or maybe I should lie down.
You're gonna
miss the best part.
I knew this one guy who
worked in Moise's Butcher Shop.
He cut the tip of his finger off on purpose.
I thought I'd get myself
into a car accident.
Just burn your draft card.
And go to jail?
Joan Baez's husband
didn't cut off his fingertip.
It's a French kiss.
You have to open your mouth.
One of these moments