when it's supposed to be his
preproduction time for Northwestern...
which I was originally involved with.
He's supposed to be taking care of my
money and doesn't say a thing about it.
And neither does the bank
or anybody else.
How much money do you have?
280,000 bucks.
Supposed to be, but I don't know
if it actually is.
Some of the actors said
this has been going on for two years.
One way you gotta look at it,
he's a determined motherfucker...
if he's stuck this out
for a half-hour film.
So I guess he probably will
get Northwestern finished.
All we want to do is finalize
the kitchen, get the props set.
We're ready for Tom's close-up,
and we got to keep moving, man.
We gotta move, move, move,
and that's the bottom line.
It's a noisy day. This is supposed to
take place in winter, but there's birds.
You hear those birds?
They're just going, so I'm gonna
cover that up and make the best of it.
I was actually looking
at the storyboard here.
I hadn't looked at it since yesterday.
It refreshed my memory about shot 37...
where my head goes
through the cupboard.
I had done this one about one-and-a-half
years ago or whenever we filmed last.
This was the one shot that I had hoped
that we got right the first time.
Mike, take it easy.
Let's not go through all--
Hey, man, what the fuck's
the matter with you?
- Oh, you did follow me.
- Yeah.
- We didn't move out?
- No.
- We gotta move out.
- Right.
- We're gonna need another one.
- Do a take three.
It's about 11:30 in the morning.
We got till 6:00 p.m. to do 52 shots.
We'll do it, and we'll end it
in a beautiful fucking bloodbath.