You hear those birds?
They're just going, so I'm gonna
cover that up and make the best of it.
I was actually looking
at the storyboard here.
I hadn't looked at it since yesterday.
It refreshed my memory about shot 37...
where my head goes
through the cupboard.
I had done this one about one-and-a-half
years ago or whenever we filmed last.
This was the one shot that I had hoped
that we got right the first time.
Mike, take it easy.
Let's not go through all--
Hey, man, what the fuck's
the matter with you?
- Oh, you did follow me.
- Yeah.
- We didn't move out?
- No.
- We gotta move out.
- Right.
- We're gonna need another one.
- Do a take three.
It's about 11:30 in the morning.
We got till 6:00 p.m. to do 52 shots.
We'll do it, and we'll end it
in a beautiful fucking bloodbath.
So I don't wanna--
I'll be right there. I got the perfect
blankets. I just found them.
That camera will be silent.
What the fuck
is wrong with you, man?
We're running a little late here...
and I'm getting set up
for the last shot.
I always give a finite time
that I'm gonna end...
so I can get out of here
at a reasonable time...
but I'm also aware that it's kind of
Mark's dream to finish the film...
and so I try to strike a balance
and, you know, not split too early.
This is the door that Tom Schimmels
is gonna get his head put through.
I put a few scores in here
to lessen the blow...
so no permanent damage done to him,
and he appreciates that.