Perfect !
- Move, James ! Move !
- Yeah, yeah. Move.
-**-** [ Continues ]
- Go, trig boy ! It's yer birthday !
- [ Chittering ]
- No ! No. No.
- Please, God.
- [ Disappointed Muttering ]
- What's going on ?
- Yes !
- All right. Get in the mix !
- See there.
- Oh, okay.
- This is disgusting.
- What the fuck is this ?
Cut it out, man !
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughing ]
Did not just
take out that chair.
- Yup, he took out the chair.
- More, more, you bad boy !
Oh, yeah, I'm naughty. I'm naughty,
baby. Hyah ! [ Slapping ]
- [ Groans ] Ohh, God !
- [ Chitters, Slaps ]
-** Calling your name -**
- -** Calling your name -**
- Now,
come to me.
Oh, yeah.
- Here we go.
- He's in, man.
- -** Calling -**
- This just got a hell of a lot better.
- Be gentle.
- Okay.