- [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughing ]
Did not just
take out that chair.
- Yup, he took out the chair.
- More, more, you bad boy !
Oh, yeah, I'm naughty. I'm naughty,
baby. Hyah ! [ Slapping ]
- [ Groans ] Ohh, God !
- [ Chitters, Slaps ]
-** Calling your name -**
- -** Calling your name -**
- Now,
come to me.
Oh, yeah.
- Here we go.
- He's in, man.
- -** Calling -**
- This just got a hell of a lot better.
- Be gentle.
- Okay.
- -** Calling your name -**
- Uh--
- -** Calling -**
- Oh.
-** Your name -**-**
- [ Whimpers ]
- Jim ?
- Oh ! Oh, no.
- [ Both ] Oh, no.
- [ All ] Oh. Ohh !
- Liftoff aborted.
- Houston, we have a problem.
- Oh-- Uhh--
- [ Blows Air ]
- What happened ? What did he do
He blew it.
I guess
I'll be going now.
No, no, no, I'm-- I'm not done, Nadia.
I've, uh-- I've got reserves.
Nadia, please, please.
I'm begging you.
Well, I do like
your dirty magazines.
You do ? Okay. Well. Um.
Did-Did-- Did you see this one ?
This here is your-- is your more,
uh, exotic, risque magazine.
- He's pullin' out the porn.
- He's desperate.
[ Finch ] Jim, just wait
till she leaves.
Very arousing women.
They arouse me-- [ Clears Throat ]
They arouse me
very, very much.