An Ideal Husband

.. the projected Argentine canal merits
the nation's attention and support.

Mr Speaker...
I believe this excellent scheme
represents a genuine opportunity...

.. to extend our trading routes
and to stamp our authority...

.. on an increasingly
vital portion of the globe.

Excellent speech.
Didn't expect to see you here.
Neither did I, but I have developed
a sudden, very singular interest...

.. in politics.
- Married yet?
- Ask me again in half an hour.

- Nothing.
- The Member for Cheltenham.

- Arthur!
- Shh.

I beg to ask the Under Secretary
for Foreign Affairs...

.. to clarify his position
in respect of the proposed scheme.

Hear, hear! Answer, sir!
Let me first of all
thank the Honourable Member...

.. for his articulate contribution
to the debate.

Since I last addressed this House
on the subject,...

.. I have had the opportunity...
.. to investigate this scheme
more thoroughly...

.. and to grasp fully the ramifications
of our lending it support.

I have to inform the House...
.. that I was...
.. mistaken...
.. in my original perceptions...
.. and that I have now taken
a rather different view.

Ow, ow!
I find that now I must agree
with my Right Honourable friend...
