Hear, hear! Answer, sir!
Let me first of all
thank the Honourable Member...
.. for his articulate contribution
to the debate.
Since I last addressed this House
on the subject,...
.. I have had the opportunity...
.. to investigate this scheme
more thoroughly...
.. and to grasp fully the ramifications
of our lending it support.
I have to inform the House...
.. that I was...
.. mistaken...
.. in my original perceptions...
.. and that I have now taken
a rather different view.
Ow, ow!
I find that now I must agree
with my Right Honourable friend...
.. that this is indeed an excellent scheme.
A genuine opportunity.
An opportunity,...
.. particularly if you happen
to be a corrupt investor...
A corrupt investor
with nothing but self-interest at heart.
Now it is my utter conviction that
this scheme never should have had...
.. or should ever have
any chance of success.
It is a fraud, an infamous fraud at that.
Our involvement would be a political fraud
of the worst possible kind!
.. great nation...
.. has long been
a great commercial power.
Now it seems there exists
a growing compulsion to use that power...
.. merely to beget more power,...